
Ever wondered how we are insanely controlled by our thoughts .So much so that we start to believe whatever we are thinking ,irrespective of whether any logic reasoning lies behind them or not.
Thoughts wreak havoc ,merging and coalescing into fragments of the past ,the present and emblazoned with futuristic assumptions. They toy with us,tease us,provoke and cast their own illusory spells ,designed to plunge our mind into a yawning abyss of anarchy and self induced panic .Silence is a rare but forgotten visitor ,as we seek to silence the noise raging in our heads at all times ,try as one might to disquell
The thunderous roar of cerebral activity, it remains impervious to Silence ,unwelcome and hostile to the mere idea. For a moment I try to calm and not think of anything and let my mind adopt a tranquil moment ,but like a silent black and white matinee movie it plays in the rear area of the mind ,a film with flashing imagery of people and events from the past merging with events of the present ,for if one thing was ever certain then it is this, that ,escape from one’s thought is not an option.Wherever you go ,they will come too.They shadow us at every turn,they are intertwined with our souls, they come with a one way ticket .To combat them is asking for the impossible ,to manage them is key to avoid being swept up into an avalanche of
thoughts and not let us be dictated by them .

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